Do you frequently upload photos to blogs and web galleries or send pictures through email (web based email providers or MS Outlook) or share photos through Skype / MSN Messenger? Then Shrink Pic is the image resizing application you’ve always wanted.
Shrink Pic is a free software which automates the entire task of reducing the size of images and allows you to send dozens of photos as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all!
All you need to do is install Shrink Pic. It automatically detects when you're sending large photo files and compresses them in the background.
How does it work?
- It runs silently in the background
- When you are sending a photo, it will automatically detect and resize the photo and store it in a temporary area and send that resized photo. It gives you a message on the compression status.
- You can control on the compression ratio of the photos via the settings.
- If you need to send full sized pics for any reasons, you can disable the program from the taskbar.
It works perfectly on Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 / Vista & 7 and supports Vista Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, Eudora, Poco Mail, Incredimail as email clients and Skype & MSN Messenger as IM clients.
You can also copy the program to your flash drive and add it to your portable list of softwares. You can download this incredible freeware from here