Thursday, January 17, 2008

Business Intelligence

Why this blog? Have been musing for quite some time now on should i blog.. should i not blog.. what should i blog... didn't have any concrete ideas as such.. now have fixed on a topic.. business intelligence... was the name goes, this will be a IT technical blog.. have been in this field for around 7 years now.. so thought why not share the experience.. and why not learn more from others experience.. so here it goes..

apart from being a workaholic, tend to surf a lot.. credit mostly goes to stumbleupon.. will post whatever interesting stuff that i find online here along with credits..!

so much for the first post.. lets see how far this goes!



Anonymous said...

So this is where your blog life started...Gr8 Sir....The speciality of your blogs is that they are not run of the mill technical blogs....they are from a utility perspective !! - Ravi Kishore.

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