Saturday, January 10, 2009

Free E-Books

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein

1. Until next Thursday (15th January 2009), you can download the PDF version of Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan from Oprah’s website for free.

From Amazon:

If in late 2007 you were told that over the next twelve months housing would crater to 20% below it's all-time peak, unemployment would rise from below 5% to nearly 8%, stocks would fall nearly 50%, and a gallon of gas would spike to more than $4 (and then drop below $2) you would probably have shrugged it off as just a whole lot of doomsday-scenario crankiness. But that's exactly what we all had to live through and continue to grapple with in 2009.

My 2009 Action Plan is designed to make sure you are ready for the unexpected—this year and every year forward. I most certainly hope things get better for us all, but in the meantime I want to make sure you have a plan in place that will protect you no matter what “what ifs” lay ahead.

2. A free download is also available of Leo Babauta’s Thriving on Less: Simplifying in a Tough Economy (pdf format)

From the introduction:

The recent economic recession has a lot of people worried, about their jobs, their businesses, their homes and their bills. When your income is dropping or in jeopardy and you still have a mountain of bills to pay, things can get pretty scary.

However, tough economic times do not have to be a time of struggles! If you look for the opportunity in the middle of difficulty, as Mr. Einstein suggested, then tough economic times become an opportunity to transform your life.


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